Sena App

The Challenge The proposed objective Design the interface and user experience. Create a centralized means for disseminating information. Activities conducted during the project UX persona Navigation map User flow Benchmarking Wireframes Mockups User testing Results achieved Do you have a digital product in mind?


The Challenge The proposed objective Design the interface and user experience to attract new users to the platform Activities conducted during the project Wireframes Mockups User testing Results achieved ¿Tienes un producto digital en mente?


The Challenge The proposed objective Design a service that allows customers to invest and save money through their energy bill. Create the mobile application for this new service Activities conducted during the project UX persona Heuristic evaluation Navigation map User flow Benchmarking Wireframes Mockups User testing Results achieved Do you have a digital product in […]

Atlás Vicúlate

The Challenge The proposed objective Clarify the documentation request process. Reduce the time it takes for customers to deliver the required documents. Consolidate all types of onboarding mechanisms into a single, streamlined process. Activities conducted during the project Interviews with Atlas sales representatives Navigation map Identify processes and users Mockups User testing Wireframes Results achieved […]


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